Some of you may have just read that and thought "You are crazy, there is a diabetic diet". But no there is not. There is no such thing as a diabetic diet. That was one of the first things that was said in my nursing school lecture on this disease. A " diabetic diet" is simply a healthy diet that everybody should be eating.
There are a lot of people who see me eating a cookie or donut and immediately say "You shouldn't be eating that, you have diabetes". Serious or jokingly it can start to get old. Especially after hearing it for the past 16 years. I am allowed to eat anything I want, I just have to think about it a little more than the normies(a person without diabetes) out there. Everything in moderation is recommended for everyone.
People assume that I shouldn't be eating any sugar at all. The reality is that sugar is saving my life most of the time. I mean just look in the diabetic section of the store, you find almost straight sugar in gels, drinks, and tabs. They might come back and say that those are fine, but candy is super unhealthy for me.
With that being said people need to get a reality check. Candy and sweets are just as unhealthy for them as it is for me. A good rule of thumb for all the normies out there is to not say anything at all. Example, if someone brings a plate of cookies into the room and out of the 12 people only one is diabetic and everyone else is healthy, don't say anything to the diabetic. If you aren't going to criticize everybody "healthy" in the room for eating that same cookie then don't criticize the diabetic. The diabetic probably knows more about their health than you know about your own. And they know they are eating a cookie, they aren't dumb.
Hell for all you normies know, that chocolate donut with chocolate frosting just might be saving my life.
By the way I love cookies and donuts.
Keep your chin up and stay positive. Don't let the normies get you down.
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